Getting Started

How to connect Apple Health to Tribie

Step-by-step guide for syncing data from your Apple Health to Tribie

Connect Your Apple Health App to Tribie

       1. Open the Tribie mobile app and select the profile tab.
          *If you see this alert, it means that you haven't given permissions to Tribie to read your data from Apple Health.

       2. Open the Apple Health app and tap on your profile in the top right corner.

       3. Select "Apps" in the list.

       4. Select "Tribie" in the apps list.

       5. Scroll down and enable "Steps" and "Walking + Running Distance" permissions in the "ALLOW TRIBIE TO READ" section.

       6. Go back to the Tribie app. Tap on user profile and pull down to refresh. You should now see that the alert is hidden and there is steps and distance data displayed in the the "Today's activity" section.

Congratulations! You have established the connection between Google Fit and Tribie, you can effortlessly sync your data and monitor your progress in the challenges.

Tribie Team
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